Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten”: Embracing New Beginnings and Family Life

In Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten, the character reflects on their recent return to the show after an enriching and peaceful parental leave. They share how much they appreciated this time, especially the first few weeks of motherhood, which they experienced with a sense of calm and focus. With their second child, they were more relaxed and able to fully enjoy the experience, feeling that this period with their family was the best time they’d ever had together.

Gute Zeiten, schlechte Zeiten: Das ...

However, their return to work came with its own challenges. In the first couple of weeks back, the character struggled to adjust. Their mind felt foggy, and they even joked about feeling like “Dory,” forgetting things and feeling slightly panicked. They feared something might be wrong, but soon realized it was just part of adjusting to their new routine. Slowly, they settled back into their familiar work environment, feeling that everything still felt the same, and they were able to fully embrace both their home life and work life once again.

Now, the character feels more grounded and is excited to return to the show, eager to engage with the audience again. They wrap up by encouraging viewers to watch the show from Monday to Friday at 7:40 PM on RTL or catch up anytime on RTL Plus. The episode captures the character’s journey of adjusting to motherhood and balancing personal and professional life with warmth, humor, and a sense of renewal.

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